How does Hypnotherapy work?
Image by Ted Grambeau
Hypnosis is a focussed state of mind where you disassociate from the “busy mind.” It is similar to the mind space you achieve in meditation, or when you find yourself deeply immersed in relaxation or creative flow. For some people it’s a peaceful, neutral state and for others it’s more alert. Musicians find it when they play, dancers find it when they dance, artists find it when they create, athletes find it in “the zone” and we all slip into it when we daydream or visualise. Its a very powerful state of mind from which we create & learn using our entire consciousness - our “best” self.
The hypnotherapist is very skilled at supporting you to reach your own state of disassociation in a way that is natural to you.
Others including myself, often find hypnosis a very soothing and peaceful mind space. Hypnosis communicates therapeutic messages to the complete conscious mind, not just the analytical mind, which can at times, be limited and obstructionist in scope.
Will I lose control during hypnosis?
There is no mind control.
During hypnotherapy you will retain your ability to choose what resonates with you and you will be able to choose your actions. Clinical Hypnotherapy is not to be confused with hypnosis in the entertainment industry. Qualified and Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists in Australia abide by a strict code of conduct in order to practice & follow all legal requirements.
At The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy the therapist will listen carefully to your issue and spend time discussing with you the ways that your issue “runs” and “sets up” in your life.
After a logical conversation about the issue and how it can be intercepted or reframed -and only with your consent- the therapist can use hypnosis to work with you to communicate more empowering thought processes directly to the most empowering place in your consciousness - your full consciousness.

What is Strategic Psychotherapy?
Image by Ted Grambeau
The fundamental principle of Strategic Psychotherapy is that the person is not the problem - the problem is the problem.
Every choice we make is preceded by a thought process, often a thought process that has become automatic. The problems we are presented with are enabled by these automatic or unconscious thought processes.
A person with a problem issue is not a “bad”or weak” person - they just don’t have a stronger thought process that beats the automatic response to the punch.
For example, you know that smoking is unhealthy, but you just don’t have a stronger response in situations where you normally smoke or you know that losing your cool isn’t helpful, but there is not a more useful automatic response to intercept frustration when your patience gets tested.
The Strategic Psychotherapist is skilled at pinpointing the disempowering automated thought process and working with you to alter the unconscious process before it activates.
Strategic Psychotherapy is useful for dealing with Self Esteem, Depression, or Anxiety, Procrastination, & Habits because they are automatic responses.
Minimise Misophonia with Hypnotherapy
Image by Kristina Flour
Trigger Warning: Please note descriptive examples of trigger sounds are given in the first paragraph titled ‘What is Misophonia?’
After that all triggers are given the generic term of ‘trigger sound’, ‘trigger noise’ or ‘trigger’. without any description.
Misophonia is a condition characterized by strong emotional or physiological responses triggered by specific sounds. These sounds are often repetitive and commonly include chewing, swallowing, lip-smacking, sniffing, ticking or tapping sounds. People with misophonia may experience intense feelings of irritation, anger, anxiety, or disgust when exposed to these trigger sounds. Misophonia is a very real and frustrating condition for sufferers.
Misophonia is believed to involve an abnormal processing of certain auditory stimuli in the brain. The issue is not the sound, but the individual’s perception of the sound.
Becoming fixated by the trigger sound, amplifying its effect
Escalating sensitivity and alertness to the trigger sound
Irrational and uncontrollable emotional response to a trigger sound
General negative outlook regarding the prevalence and magnitude of triggers in day-to-day activities
The brain’s role in hearing is a complex process. In simplified terms, the brain understands sound by converting vibrations picked up by the ear into neural signals, which are then processed by the auditory cortex and other parts of the brain. Our brain gives meaning to what we hear, and this process is called auditory perception.
Hypnotherapy is useful as it works to alter the way the misophonic client perceives the sound they have become hyperreactive to.
Auditory perception is the process by which the brain interprets and makes sense of the sounds detected by the ears. The sound vibration is the information, but it is the auditory cortex in conjunction with other parts of the brain that co-ordinate and attribute meaning to the sound the ears process. The process is both physical (transference of the vibration within the ear) and cognitive (the process of naming and understanding what the sound means).
One of the most critical functions of hearing is to recognize threats. However, it is the perception of the sound—what we believe the sound signifies—that determines whether it represents danger and how we should respond.
The four part program helps individuals with misophonia transition from feeling irritated and distracted to achieving a more regulated, commonplace, even impartial response by using hypnotherapy to alter the thought patterns that lead to fixation, hyper-sensitivity, hyper-reactivity and hyper-alertness.
The Minimise Misophonia Program is a four-part hypnotherapy program consisting of four one-hour sessions. In each session, we uncover one of the thinking styles (cognitive styles) that support misophonic thinking and misophonic responses. Using hypnotherapy, we adjust the relevant thought process to minimize the misophonic response.
There are four main Cognitive Styles supporting Misophonia and these four styles contribute to fixation, amplification, hypser-sensitivity, hyper-alertness, and irrational emotional response.
The Minimize Misophonia Hypnotherapy Program, is an exclusive, specialised, all-natural and uncomplicated four-stage hypnosis program crafted specifically for those with heightened auditory sensitivity. Each hypnosis session runs for 50-60 minutes, making the MM a relatively short treatment time. Recordings of each session are provided for the client to listen to and keep.
Cognitive Styles
Cognitive style refers to an individual's preferred way of processing information, thinking, and solving problems, characterized by patterns of perception, memory, and decision-making. While some might describe it as a 'personality trait,' this is an oversimplification.
Our senses are continuously bombarded with information that the brain must decipher. To filter all the stimuli without becoming overwhelmed, the brain makes predictions and shortcuts, known as cognitive styles. This process leads many thought patterns to become automatic.
The brain applies this to all stimuli, including auditory information. A cognitive style is a habitual and automatic pattern of thinking that, being programmed into the subconscious, is rarely questioned or tested. For instance, positive thinking is a cognitive style where one generally thinks optimistically, which may or may not be accurate, but it leads the individual to have a generally upbeat frame of mind.
Cognitive styles are learned or developed throughout life and are malleable. Misophonia, a condition marked by an extreme reaction to specific sounds, is associated with certain cognitive distortions linked to specific cognitive styles.
To understand how cognitive styles affect individuals with misophonia, let's examine how particular cognitive styles predispose an individual to the cognitive distortions that result in this condition.
What is a cognitive distortion and how is it related to misophonia?
A cognitive distortion occurs when a cognitive style is misapplied, affecting the individual’s ability to cope effectively with their situation. For example, a person with a positive thinking cognitive style might overlook negative or harmful aspects of their environment, leading to poor risk assessment and potential harm or disappointment.
Almost every cognitive style requires a reality check to test its usefulness in a given situation. With a cognitive distortion, this check is missing, leading to an imbalance in thinking. In simple terms, a cognitive distortion opposes balanced thinking strategies and clouds the individual’s ability to accurately assess what is happening around them.
Most forms of obsessive behavior are rooted in cognitive distortions. Cognitive distortions cause individuals to magnify their focus on what they expect, overlooking environmental stimuli that contradict their expectations, similar to an overly positive thinker. This is also known as cognitive bias, and it occurs in everyone to some extent. In cases of obsessive fixation, individuals lose the ability to realistically evaluate the object of their obsession.
In the case of misophonia, the individual distorts the perceived threat or offensiveness of the trigger sound – it is their perception that is distorted, not the sound itself. This explains why misophonia can transfer across various sounds without logical explanation, as the condition is largely a distorted subconscious process.
Since auditory perception is a subconscious process and hypnotherapy targets subconscious patterns, hypnotherapy is an effective method for balancing cognition and reducing fixation.
So how does cognitive distortion affect misophonia?
The main part of the brain that processes sound is the auditory cortex. The auditory cortex is perpetually filtering, filing, and categorising sound to make meaning of it. It develops short cut responses to what it can reasonably expect from what it hears.
In the case of misophonia, some of those automatic responses are misfiring, causing cognitive distortion of the trigger sound - it appears louder, or more threatening than it would be for another person.
The sound isn’t the problem, the cognitive distortion of the sound is the issue.
Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious cognitive distortion to reset the way the brain filters and understands the trigger noises and this is why hypnotherapy is a useful approach to minimise misophonia.
1st Cognitive Style: Emotional Frame of Reference
Individuals who operate from an emotional frame of reference, use their feelings as the primary measure of events in their world.
Cognitive Distortion: Subjective Referencing
Misophonic individuals often rely heavily on their emotions to gauge the level of threat or offensiveness, rather than consulting objective evidence to assess the actual degree of inconvenience or danger.
Missing Cognitive Check: The ability to switch in and out of subjective and objective measures.
When an individual with an emotional frame of reference anchors their perception to their feelings alone and then believe these feelings to be the only valid gauge of what is occurring, they begin distancing themselves from accurate evaluation strategies that individuals without obsessive tendencies naturally employ.
This reliance on emotion-based data, devoid of real-world measures, sets the individual on a path towards fixation. If a sensation feels intense and no contradictory evidence is considered, it inevitably seems drastically disturbing to them. There is no balanced measure available to regulate the individual’s para-sympathetic nervous system.
Hypnotherapeutic Intervention: Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious imbalance by introducing a new step, allowing the client to access objective awareness to include all relevant information for a more-rounded perspective. This enables the misophonic individual to better manage their emotional response. The upside is, this is probably a skill they already use in other areas of the life, but for some reason they have ceased applying it in regard to the trigger sound.
2nd Cognitive Style: Precise Nature (Attention to Detail)
You may have heard the saying, "What you focus on, you magnify." Focusing on a problem that cannot be changed will almost always amplify the problem. You may have also heard the phrase, “What you resist, persists”. Having the capacity to determine what is most important, threatening, or offensive and how to change it, is a useful skill. So is the ability to recognize when something cannot be changed and then removing attention from it onto something else. Sometimes, individuals with an exacting nature, can lose the aforementioned steps and get lost in “shoulds”.
Cognitive Distortion: Fixation
Fixation is a two-step process where there is an inaccurate determination of controllability, followed by an inability to turn focus away. Psychotherapists refer to this as obsessive association and it is a consuming, self-perpetuating trap.
The individual with misophonia becomes transfixed with whatever sound is offensive and becomes attached to the meaning they give to the trigger sound and are unable to move their awareness off it.
Alternatively, an indifferent person would recognize that the noise is a brief unwanted distraction and return to doing whatever they are doing, effectively moving on and avoiding the fixation trap.
Missing Cognitive Check: Combining Acceptance and Dissociation Cognitive Skills
Individuals with obsessive tendencies often struggle to distinguish between what they can and cannot influence. When this is followed by an inability to disconnect, the individual may end up attempting to fix the unfixable.
Hypnotherapeutic Intervention: Hypnotherapy combines two cognitive strategies: acceptance and dissociation.
Step 1. Acceptance: Hypnotherapy focuses on activating a realistic assessment process to determine influence. Once the client has a better understanding of what they can control, they can either use objective means to reduce or stop the distraction or subjectively choose to shift their focus away from it. In other words, hypnotherapy embeds the cognitive sequence necessary to distinguish between attempting to fix something and fixating on it.
Step 2. Dissociation: Dissociation is a cognitive skill where the individual learns to deliberately shift their focus from one concern to another. The subconscious mind continuously separates what is important from what is not, identifying what can be influenced and what cannot. Once the mind determines what is important and can be influenced, it then considers the secondary process of choosing where to best place focus. This involves choosing between association or dissociation, essentially the deliberate shifting of focus.
Hypnotherapy works on recalibrating the subconscious process of association and dissociation.
Combining these two hypnotic strategies effectively breaks the trap of fixation.
3rd Cognitive Style: Present Orientation
Individuals with misophonia can become trapped in the present moment, overwhelmed by the offensive trigger, and fail to recognize that the noise will soon end, cutting them off from the possibility of coping with the sound as a temporary annoyance. This inability to disconnect from the present and consider the future can also escalate their emotional responses, such as frustration, anger, and repulsion.
Cognitive Distortion: Inability to see the temporary nature of an experience
Individuals stuck in a present-oriented mindset are unable to measure the lifespan of an inconvenience, which distorts the magnitude of the problem they face.
Missing Cognitive Check: Using time to gauge the magnitude and impact of an inconvenience
You may have heard the saying, “This too shall pass.” Fixation requires the suspension of the ability to view experiences as temporary.
Hypnotherapeutic Intervention:
Step 1. Introduce a useful subconscious check to measure the impact of a problem over time. Obviously, if something can reasonably be expected to be short-lived, its influence will be minimized. It is easier to cope with an inconvenience when you know it will be brief.
Step 2. Use a future perspective to dissociate. By using duration as leverage the client shifts focus from the present problem to a point in the near future where the problem is reduced or resolved.
4th Cognitive Style: Negative Expectancy
Negative Expectancy refers to the cognitive bias where individuals anticipate poor outcomes disproportionately. This bias can become self-fulfilling, promoting avoidance or resistance to the offensive trigger, which further amplifies its effect. Negative expectancy increases both emotional sensitivity and reactivity.
Cognitive Distortion: Overestimating the likelihood of a negative outcome or inconvenience
For individuals with misophonia, negative expectancy not only amplifies the impact of an offensive sound but also presupposes an inability to cope with the sound when it appears. This presupposition can become self-perpetuating.
Missing Cognitive Check: Realistic Expectation
The ability to use all available evidence, subjective and objective, negative and positive, to arrive at a balanced and reasonable expectation.
Hypnotherapeutic Intervention: Hypnotherapy recalibrates expectancy by introducing probability as the principal reference for predicting daily events. By fostering a perspective based on probability, it mitigates uncertainty and negativity, thereby reducing anticipatory anxiety and hypersensitivity.
Minimise Misophonia Flow Chart #1a
Minimise Misophonia Flow Chart #1b
If you struggle with misophonia and would like the support of a hypnotherapist passionate about auditory perception and its role in mental and emotional health, call today.
Take Back Your Power: Handle Criticism & Feedback
Image by Unknown (Squarespace Image library)
Strategies for taking it or leaving it.
As humans, we often seek feedback from others to gain insights into our behaviour, actions, and decisions. However, as a therapist, I emphasize the importance of recognizing that we have the power to decide the value of the feedback we receive. Each person's perspective is influenced by their own experiences, biases, and qualifications, making it essential to develop discernment skills to determine the usefulness of the information provided by another. Today we will explore valuable discrimination strategies to evaluate feedback effectively.
Breaking down the evaluation process by…
considering the credentials of the speaker
assessing the feedback for factual accuracy and absence of bias,
reasonableness and rationale
personal relevance
You can make informed decisions about the value of the feedback you receive and take back power to judge the usefulness of the words or comments that were just offered. Always keeping in mind, that any opinion put into the world is open to evaluation. It is either relevant and useful to you, designed to be harmful, or useless to you, and you get to decide that.
It’s like being the batter, you get to decide which pitch to take a swing at, and which pitch to let through to the back-stop. You don’t have to take a swing at everything that comes at you. You decide.
Is the opinion credible?
One key strategy for discerning the value of feedback is to consider the credentials of the speaker. Understanding the expertise, knowledge, and experience of the individual providing feedback can offer valuable context. Evaluate whether the person has relevant qualifications or expertise in the area they are providing feedback on. For example, feedback from a certified professional in a specific field carries more weight than opinions from individuals without relevant credentials. By considering the speaker's background and expertise, you can assess the credibility and reliability of the feedback provided. It’s either factual, evidence based and useful to you, or it isn’t. You may be feeling judged, but remember, you get to evaluate their credibility in return. You get to ask a speaker for their qualifications and sources - then judge their their accuracy. It isn’t a one-way street.
What evidence supports this feedback?
Another important aspect to consider is whether the feedback is factual, unbiased, reasonable, and useful to you. Information that is based on facts and evidence is more likely to be valuable than subjective opinions or baseless claims. Look for evidence supporting the feedback, such as specific examples or data. It’s ok to ask for it. Ask for the source so you can check it yourself or evaluate its credibility. Additionally, assess the presence of bias in the feedback. Biased feedback may be influenced by personal opinions, prejudices, or ulterior motives, which can distort the accuracy and usefulness of the information. Furthermore, consider whether the feedback aligns with reason and logic, considering different perspectives and potential alternative explanations. Ultimately, evaluate whether the feedback is relevant and applicable to your own personal circumstances and goals. Even information that is true, may not be useful to your long-term aspirations, but ignore it at your peril. Another useful question to ask yourself at this stage is – is this person for me or against me? What does this person gain or lose by this? What do I gain or lose if I change because of this? Criticism is rarely kind. Feedback is helpful and usually delivered in an understanding manner. They are delivered in entirely different ways. Give yourself permission to shut down meanness the moment you see the signs. Don’t take a swing at it – let it go through to the catcher. Choose your battles wisely.
It's all just information
It is important to remember that all feedback, regardless of its source, is only information. Ultimately, you have the power to decide whether the feedback is useful to you. Trust your own judgment and value-system in determining the value of the feedback. Consider the feedback as one perspective among many, and weigh it against your own knowledge, values, and aspirations. Reflect on whether the feedback resonates with your own beliefs and aligns with your goals and personal growth. By exercising this agency, you can use feedback as a valuable tool for self-improvement and decision-making, while maintaining autonomy over the value you assign to it. People have the right to voice an opinion, and you also have the right to validate it or not.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Handle a Critic
Hypnotherapy communicates with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the home of our value system and our identity. Clients who are clear about what they value find it easier to recognise those values in others, and just as importantly, who does not embody those same values.
People with clear values naturally establish clear boundaries, and when those boundaries are breached it is obvious – this is a value breach.
When we take things personally, it’s often because our value system has been attacked. Once you are clear on your values, and what they look like out in the world, you will place more merit on people who share your values and live them. You will also place less credence on the words of those who do not operate in a reasonable or rational way. Your values are the compass that help you navigate the territory you move through.
Your values become a handbook or operation manual, and when others aren’t playing by the book – it is clear. Hypnotherapy helps the client to develop useful discrimination skills to switch off and create emotional distance from meanness in the moment. You can default automatically to your rulebook and disengage. It is a useful and empowering mental and emotional skill. You may have heard this skill referred to as “useful dissociation”.
Being clear about when it is safe to voice an opinion, or defend a boundary is also a crucial skill, but that is a blog entry in itself, and perhaps we can work through that important topic another day.
In conclusion, the value of the feedback you receive from others is determined by you. Yes, you!
You can choose to take it or leave it. When you are clear in your values, you can easily recognise a boundary breach. By employing valuable discrimination strategies, such as considering the credentials of the speaker and evaluating the feedback for factual accuracy, lack of bias, reasonableness, and personal relevance, you can make good decisions about the value of the feedback. Recognize that all feedback is only information, and it is up to you to decide if it is useful and applicable to your own growth and goals. By cultivating discernment skills, you can harness the power of feedback to enhance self-awareness and facilitate personal development and by using hypnotherapy to develop useful dissociation skills you can take back your power when you determine your boundaries are trespassed unfairly in a calm and centred way.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Worry: Misuse of the Imagination
Image by Unknown
In our fast-paced and unpredictable world, worry has become an all-too-common experience for many individuals. As a hypnotherapist, I often find myself exploring the relationship between worry and the human imagination. It is an intriguing connection that highlights how our imaginative powers, when misused, can lead to excessive worry and anxiety. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the concept of worry as the misuse of imagination, shedding light on the psychological implications and offering valuable insights for managing this pervasive emotional state.
The human imagination is a remarkable tool that allows us to envision and create possibilities, but it can also serve as a double-edged sword when it comes to worry.
The imagination can be used positively or negatively. The individual has the power to decide how to use it. However, some become stuck in pattern of negative prediction and don’t realise there are useful therapeutic tactics to break out of the negative frame.
Worry, at its core, involves imagining negative scenarios, dwelling on potential problems, and creating vivid mental pictures of worst-case outcomes. It often stems from a natural instinct to anticipate and protect ourselves from potential dangers. However, when worry becomes excessive and uncontrolled, it can consume our thoughts, drain our energy, and hinder our ability to fully engage with the present moment.
Psychologically speaking, worry is a form of cognitive distortion that can lead to distorted thinking patterns, such as catastrophizing or overestimating the likelihood of negative events.
It fuels anxiety by feeding into a loop of negative thoughts, reinforcing our fears, and generating a sense of helplessness. The misuse of imagination occurs when we allow worry to dominate our mental landscape, robbing us of the opportunity to utilize our imaginative capacities for more constructive purposes. Therefore, recognizing and redirecting the misuse of imagination is crucial for managing worry effectively.
Fortunately, there are strategies that psychologists often recommend to help individuals break free from the grip of excessive worry. One powerful approach is cognitive restructuring, which involves challenging and reframing negative thoughts associated with worry. By questioning the accuracy and validity of our worries, we can gain a more balanced perspective and reduce their intensity. Additionally, grounding techniques such as mindfulness and deep breathing exercises can help anchor us in the present moment, diverting our attention away from worrisome thoughts and fostering a greater sense of calm.
How does Hypnotherapy shift a negative perspective?
Under hypnosis a client may develop a new thought process: becoming aware of the unrealistic prophecies, reality checking them against probability, determining what of the situation is within the client’s influence, and then connecting to inner strengths and skills. This thought pattern shifts the client’s mind from an unproductive, even fearful state, into a centred and effective mindset which leads to beneficial action. This is one of the hypnosis strategies implemented to shift a problems like anxiety, perfectionism, avoidance and procrastination.
Hypnotherapy teaches an individual to consciously shift focus away from worry and towards proactive solutions, reclaiming the power of imagination and transforming it into a force for personal growth and resilience.
In conclusion, understanding worry as the misuse of imagination offers profound insights into the psychological mechanisms underlying this common emotional state. As a strategic psychotherapist, I encourage individuals to recognize the negative impact of excessive worry and to harness their imaginative powers for more constructive purposes. By employing cognitive restructuring, grounding techniques, and connecting to internal strengths then acting, a client can become liberated from the grip of negative future projection, foster a healthier relationship with the imagination, and cultivate a greater sense of peace and well-being.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
The Price of Confidence
Image by Brooke Cagle
The Price of Competence: Embracing Discomfort for Meaningful Growth
In our quest for success, competence, and meaningful contribution, we often encounter discomfort along the way. However, it is through embracing these uncomfortable moments and paying the necessary price that we truly grow and make a lasting impact. In this blog, we will explore the notion of the price of competence and how it ties into courage, practice, persistence, and the willingness to be a novice. Ultimately, we will discover that passion and purpose can transcend our fear of imperfection, empowering us to become heroes of our own journeys.
Embracing Discomfort for Growth
Every meaningful endeavor comes with a price, and competence is no exception. It requires practice, persistence, and the willingness to step out of our comfort zones. Determining the level of discomfort we are prepared to accept as the price for learning and competence is crucial. It means acknowledging that discomfort is an inherent part of growth and progress. Just as a toddler falls while learning to walk, we too must be willing to stumble, make mistakes, and stand up again in our pursuit of competence. This discomfort is the currency we pay to acquire valuable skills and expertise.
Passion and Purpose as the Driving Forces
To overcome the discomfort associated with growth and competence, purpose becomes our guiding light. When our purpose is greater than our fear of imperfection, we can muster the courage to speak up passionately and contribute meaningfully. Passion trumps fear every time. By allowing our purpose to be the driving force behind our actions, we transcend the limitations of self-doubt and embrace the discomfort that comes with pushing boundaries. It is through these moments of discomfort that we emerge as heroes, making a true impact in our chosen fields.
In the pursuit of competence and meaningful contribution, there is a price to pay. It requires courage, practice, persistence, and the willingness to be a novice. Embracing discomfort becomes the catalyst for growth and learning. By allowing our end goal, by playing the long-game and putting aside short term discomfort, short term uncertainty, and acting anyway, we transcend the fear of imperfection and grow in experience - earning our confidence as we go. So, let us embrace the discomfort, pay the necessary price, and get going, knowing that on the other side of mild discomfort, lies competence and fulfillment.
How hypnotherapy helps align you with your purpose and overcome procrastination, perfectionism and doubt.
Hypnotherapy helps clients embrace discomfort as a part of meaningful growth by facilitating a shift in their perception and response to discomfort. Through deep relaxation and accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy enables individuals to explore and reframe their beliefs and emotions surrounding discomfort. It helps them develop resilience, courage, and a willingness to step out of their comfort zones. Acknowledging that the unfamiliar soon becomes familiar and addressing any underlying fears or self-limiting beliefs, hypnotherapy empowers clients to embrace discomfort as a necessary and transformative part of their growth journey, allowing them to push through barriers, expand their potential, and embrace new opportunities for meaningful personal and professional development.
Expand. Expand. Expanding now - because you can.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Persist Gently but Relentlessly: The Key to Conserving Energy and Achieving Long-Term Success
Image by Le Tan
In the pursuit of our goals and dreams, it's common to encounter obstacles and setbacks that can make us feel discouraged, overwhelmed or tempted to give up. However, adopting a mindset of persisting gently but relentlessly can be a game-changer. By combining perseverance with a gentle and self-compassionate approach, we can unlock powerful benefits such as conserving energy, staying focused on long-term outcomes, and nurturing our sense of self-worth and purpose.
Conserving Energy: Persisting gently but relentlessly means avoiding the trap of burning ourselves out by pushing too hard or being overly critical of our progress. It's about recognizing that progress takes time and that we need to honor our energy levels and well-being. By adopting a balanced approach, we can allocate our energy wisely, preventing exhaustion and maintaining sustainability in our efforts. This approach allows us to endure for the long haul without compromising our physical or mental health.
Focus on Long-Term Outcomes: When we persist gently but relentlessly, we prioritize long-term outcomes over short-term inconveniences or setbacks. We understand that success is not always linear and that temporary difficulties do not define our journey. By maintaining a steadfast commitment to our goals, we navigate through temporary challenges with resilience, keeping our eyes on the bigger picture. This mindset helps us maintain clarity, make informed decisions, and adapt when necessary, ensuring we remain on track towards our ultimate objectives.
Validation of Self-Worth and Purpose: Persisting gently but relentlessly fosters a sense of self-worth and purpose. By acknowledging and celebrating even the smallest victories along the way, we validate our efforts and affirm our capabilities. This self-affirmation strengthens our belief in ourselves and instils confidence, enabling us to overcome self-doubt and discouragement. Moreover, by aligning our persistence with our values and passions, we cultivate a deep sense of purpose that fuels our motivation and empowers us to persevere through obstacles, knowing that our journey serves a meaningful purpose.
Adopting the mindset of persisting gently but relentlessly is a powerful approach to achieving long-term success while nurturing our well-being and sense of purpose. By conserving our energy, staying focused on our long-term outcomes, and valuing ourselves and our journey, we create a sustainable and fulfilling path towards our goals. Remember, progress takes time, and with each step forward, even if it's a small one, we are inching closer to realizing our dreams. So, persist gently but relentlessly, and witness the transformative impact it can have on your journey to success.
How Hypnotherapy can keep you on track.
Hypnotherapy aids clients in operating according to the principle of persisting gently but relentlessly by accessing the subconscious mind and rewiring deep-seated beliefs and thought patterns. Through guided hypnosis, individuals can develop a compassionate and determined mindset that encourages consistent effort while allowing for self-care and adaptability. By addressing any underlying fears, doubts, or self-limiting beliefs that may hinder progress, hypnotherapy helps clients cultivate gentle but consistent levels of resilience, maintain focus on their long-term goals, and persist with a gentle but unwavering determination. This approach empowers individuals to navigate challenges with grace, conserve energy, and stay committed to their journey, ultimately facilitating sustained growth and success.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Understanding the Power of “Enough”
Image by Riccardo Cervia
In pursuit of the “best self” we can be very hard on ourselves. This form of self-motivation can lead to overwhelm or a deep sense of dissatisfaction, and even emptiness.
Perfectionists often disregard or minimize their achievements and amplify their mistakes in ways that are quite unrealistic.
Many individuals have that berating inner voice or drill sergeant that speaks to them in ways they would never consider speaking to another. Sometimes we just don't know how to be our own cheerleader or wrongly believe that we will not be successful if we do not drive ourselves hard.
Sometimes individuals expect to be perfect not making allowances for mistakes which is such a human characteristic.
There is a difference between “perfect” and “sufficient”. There is a difference between something being unquestionably right and alright. There is a difference between “the” right time, and “a” right time.
The trick is in knowing when is “enough” or what constitutes “sufficient”.
The pursuit of perfection or always having all the answers becomes an obstacle to achievement when it stops us from being curious or learning something new, which is awkward. Learning is uncomfortable.
Hypnotherapy connects the client to their value system. Enabling the client to best decide where to place their time and focus.
A client with their values at the front of any decision is going to best place their intentions and energy.
Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool in helping clients acknowledge what is enough and break free from the cycle of obsessing over perfection. By entering a relaxed state of hypnosis, individuals can tap into their subconscious mind and gain clarity on their values and long-term goals. This process enables them to prioritize what truly matters to them and recognize that pursuing an illusion of perfection is not aligned with their authentic desires or purpose.
During hypnotherapy sessions, clients can explore the consequences of their compulsive behaviour and the toll it takes on their energy levels. By recognizing the drain caused by the relentless pursuit of perfection, they can begin to appreciate the importance of conserving their energy and investing it in areas that bring them genuine fulfillment. In acknowledging that being correct, or being “perfect” does not mean you are beyond reproach, which is usually the subconscious foundation of perfectionism - avoiding criticism or mistakes.
Hypnotherapy helps individuals reframe their perspective and understand that striving for an unattainable ideal often results in diminishing returns.
Moreover, hypnotherapy can help clients develop the skill of discernment, allowing them to recognize when it's time to stop or rest. By accessing their subconscious mind, individuals can tap into their inner wisdom and gain insights into their own authentic limits and boundaries.
This heightened self-awareness empowers them to set realistic goals, manage their time more efficiently, and find a healthy balance between striving for improvement and recognizing when they have done enough, because there is a useful distinction between pursuing betterment (which is realistic) and pursuing perfection (which is unrealistic).
By embracing the skill of discernment, individuals can release the need for constant perfection and find contentment in their accomplishments and the journey itself.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
The Therapeutic Tool of Unwilling Acceptance
Image by Dustin Humes
The concept of unwilling acceptance.
We have all heard Carl Jung’s quote, “What you resist, persists.”
Our unconscious spaces are very good at amplifying focus on what we push against. Unwilling acceptance allows the client to accept the reality of the situation without having to like it. Then resistance ceases and the client can shift focus away from the inconvenience, fear or injustice and onto aspects of the experience they can work with. Unwilling acceptance also saves the client energy because the client shifts focus onto their assets and resources much faster, which is a much more effective use of mental energy than pushing against a situation that cannot be changed.
Unwilling acceptance can be a useful strategy in certain situations as it allows individuals to navigate through challenging circumstances and ultimately find a useful way to move forward. By practicing unwilling acceptance, individuals acknowledge and recognize the reality of a situation that they may not be able to change or control. Instead of resisting or fighting against it, they choose to accept it, despite their initial reluctance or unwillingness. This strategy can be particularly helpful in situations where resistance may cause prolonged stress, frustration, or emotional turmoil.
Unwilling acceptance promotes mental resilience and adaptability.
It allows individuals to conserve their energy and focus on things they can control or change, rather than expending it on futile efforts to alter an unchangeable situation. It fosters a sense of useful surrender and letting go, freeing individuals from the burden of constantly battling against circumstances beyond their control. This approach encourages individuals to shift their perspective, seek opportunities for growth and personal development, and find inner peace by embracing the reality of the situation. Ultimately, by practicing unwilling acceptance, individuals can cultivate a sense of inner strength, emotional well-being, and a greater ability to navigate the ups and downs of life.
Using unwilling acceptance to treat panic attacks
In hypnotherapy, the strategy of unwilling acceptance can be employed to effectively treat clients who experience panic attacks. By guiding the client into a relaxed and suggestible state, the therapist creates a safe and supportive environment where the client can confront and accept the reality of their panic attacks, even if they may initially resist or fear them. Unwilling acceptance allows the client to acknowledge and validate their experience without judgment, reducing the resistance and fear associated with panic attacks. When resistance drops away, the fear that fuels the panic attack reduces significantly.
Through guided imagery, relaxation techniques, and suggestion, the therapist can help the client reframe their perception of panic attacks, promoting a sense of calm, control, and inner strength. By embracing their experience with unwilling acceptance, the client can develop coping mechanisms, explore the underlying causes of their panic attacks, and learn to manage and reduce their frequency and intensity, ultimately leading to greater emotional well-being and an improved quality of life.
It's important to note that while hypnotherapy can be a helpful adjunct to mental health, it should not replace medical advice or treatment. It's recommended to consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in mental health to develop a comprehensive approach to address your specific condition. Hypnotherapy is a very useful, natural treatment that can safely supplement medical treatment.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy and Serotonin
Image by Dustin Humes
How does hypnotherapy help balance serotonin ?
Hypnotherapy has the potential to increase serotonin production through its influence on the mind-body connection. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. During hypnotherapy, a trained practitioner guides individuals into a relaxed and focused state, allowing them to access their subconscious mind. Through suggestions and visualization techniques, the therapist can help individuals reframe negative thought patterns and beliefs, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote positive emotions. By addressing underlying emotional issues and promoting a sense of calm and well-being, hypnotherapy can potentially stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain, leading to an increase in its production over time.
How do healthy sleep patterns influence serotonin levels?
Furthermore, hypnotherapy can indirectly support serotonin production by improving sleep quality. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining serotonin levels, as serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin during sleep. Hypnotherapy can help individuals address sleep disorders, insomnia, or other conditions that disrupt their sleep patterns. By promoting deep relaxation and providing tools for better sleep hygiene, hypnotherapy can contribute to more restful and rejuvenating sleep. As a result, the body can effectively produce and regulate serotonin, contributing to an overall increase in serotonin levels and potentially improving mood and well-being.
It's important to note that while hypnotherapy can be a helpful adjunct to gut health, it should not replace medical advice or treatment. It's recommended to consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in medicine, nutrition or dietetics to develop a comprehensive approach to address your specific condition. Hypnotherapy is a very useful, natural treatment that can safely supplement medical treatment.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
How does hypnotherapy treat IBS?
Image by Vincent van Zalinge
What is the gut-brain axis?
The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication system that links the gastrointestinal tract and the brain, allowing them to exchange information and influence each other's function. This communication occurs through a complex network involving various components such as the vagus nerve, neurotransmitters, hormones, and the immune system. The gut sends signals to the brain via the vagus nerve, which transmits information about gut motility, nutrient availability, and the presence of harmful substances or pathogens. Additionally, the gut releases neurotransmitters and hormones that can directly affect brain activity and mood. Conversely, the brain can modulate gut function through signals sent via the autonomic nervous system, influencing gut motility, secretion, and the composition of gut microbiota. This intricate communication between the gut and brain plays a crucial role in regulating digestion, nutrient absorption, immune responses, and even emotional and cognitive processes.
How does hypnotherapy influence the gut-brain axis to improve IBS and gut discomfort?
Hypnotherapy positively affects the gut-brain axis by utilizing the power of suggestion and relaxation techniques to modulate the communication between the gut and the brain. During hypnotherapy sessions, individuals are guided into a deeply relaxed state, allowing their minds to become more receptive to suggestions and therapeutic interventions. By focusing on the gut and utilizing specific suggestions, hypnotherapy can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, which are known to negatively impact gut function. It can also address underlying psychological factors that contribute to gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Through the power of suggestion, hypnotherapy can help reframe negative thoughts and emotions related to gut health, promoting a more positive mindset and improving overall well-being. This positive influence on the mind-body connection can have a beneficial impact on the gut-brain axis, leading to improved digestive function and a better balance between the gut and the brain.
It's important to note that while hypnotherapy can be a helpful adjunct to gut health, it should not replace medical advice or treatment. It's recommended to consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in medicine, nutrition or dietetics to develop a comprehensive approach to address your specific condition. Hypnotherapy is a very useful, natural treatment that can safely supplement medical treatment.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
How injury affects self confidence.
Image by Patrick Kool
Injury or debilitating illness is emotional and how hypnotherapy helps recovery.
Illness and injury can lead to feelings of loss, anger, injustice, anxiety and depression. Many athletes define themselves through their physical capacity and when that ability is removed, an athlete can lose confidence or their sense of self.
Much of our identity is invested in our body and its physical capacity. Therefore, injury and illness can trigger a crisis in identity - who am I now with this illness or injury? Hypnotherapy helps by keeping awareness in regeneration mode.
Hypnotherapy can help you to connect to the parts of your identity that empower you when your body is injured or ill, by shifting your focus onto other internal strengths and resources, and encouraging healing.
Physical activity is an important tool for stress release and when a client has been disabled by an injury, the client loses that avenue to reduce tension and anxiety. Hypnotherapy provides new avenues for tension and anxiety release.
Physical injury can also impact employment or work skills which may lead to financial stress or feelings of an uncertain future. Hypnotherapy can help reconnect you to clarity and action, and away from loss, frustration and anxiety.
Hypnosis for Healing and Recovery
When you focus on pain – the neural pathways amplify what you focus on - learn thought skills to dissociate from the pain in a useful way. When you think about healing – the neural pathways focus on regeneration.
Hypnotherapy takes the focus away from what we have lost (can’t do) and focuses on what we still have (can do).
It's important to note that while hypnotherapy can be a helpful adjunct to recovery, it should not replace medical advice or physiotherapy treatment. It's recommended to consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in injury recovery to develop a comprehensive approach to address your specific condition. Hypnotherapy is a very useful, natural treatment that can safely supplement medical treatment.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy for Pain Management
Image by Toni Tan
How does Hypnotherapy help Manage Pain?
Hypnotherapy can be effective in helping manage pain through various mechanisms. Here are some ways in which hypnotherapy can help:
Influencing the brain's interpretation of pain: Hypnotherapy can influence the way the brain processes and interprets pain signals. By working with the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help reframe the meaning of pain, allowing individuals to perceive it differently and potentially reduce its intensity.
Shifting perspectives on pain: Hypnotherapy can help individuals change their perspective on pain. It can help them understand that pain serves a purpose as a signal, guiding them to take necessary actions for recovery. By seeing pain as a messenger rather than the problem itself, individuals can develop a more constructive relationship with their pain.
Recognizing the value of pain: Hypnotherapy can help individuals alter their perception that all pain is inherently bad. Pain can be viewed as a part of the recovery process, setting boundaries and limits that promote healing. By understanding the usefulness of pain in certain contexts, individuals can develop a more balanced view and manage their pain more effectively.
Separating suffering from pain: Hypnotherapy can assist individuals in distinguishing between emotional suffering and physical pain. It can help individuals develop skills to separate the two and reduce the emotional distress associated with pain. By addressing emotional reactions to pain separately, individuals can alleviate unnecessary suffering and focus on managing the physical sensations.
Understanding and responding to pain messages: Hypnotherapy can help individuals understand the messages conveyed by pain and respond appropriately. It emphasizes the importance of discerning when to listen to the pain message and when to modulate its intensity. Through hypnotherapy, individuals can develop better awareness of their pain and learn strategies to act upon the pain messages effectively.
Shifting awareness away from pain: Hypnotherapy can teach individuals techniques to shift their awareness away from the pain and onto more beneficial thoughts or sensations. By guiding individuals into a state of deep relaxation or trance, hypnotherapy can help distract the mind from the pain and create a sense of comfort and well-being.
It's important to note that while hypnotherapy can be a helpful adjunct to pain management, it should not replace medical advice or treatment. It's recommended to consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in pain management to develop a comprehensive approach to address your specific pain condition. Hypnotherapy is a very useful, natural treatment that can safely supplement medical treatment.
Injury or debilitating illness is emotional
Illness and injury can lead to feelings of loss, anger, injustice, anxiety and depression. Many athletes define themselves through their physical capacity and when that ability is removed, an athlete can lose confidence or their sense of self.
Much of our identity is invested in our body and its physical capacity. Therefore, injury and illness can trigger a crisis in identity - who am I now with this illness or injury? Hypnotherapy helps by keeping awareness in regeneration mode.
Hypnotherapy can help you to connect to the parts of your identity that empower you when your body is injured or ill, by shifting your focus onto other internal strengths and resources, and encouraging healing.
Physical activity is an important tool for stress release and when a client has been disabled by an injury, the client loses that avenue to reduce tension and anxiety. Hypnotherapy provides new avenues for tension and anxiety release.
Physical injury can also impact employment or work skills which may lead to financial stress or feelings of an uncertain future. Hypnotherapy can help reconnect you to clarity and action, and away from loss, frustration and anxiety.
Hypnosis for Healing and Recovery
When you focus on pain – the neural pathways amplify what you focus on - learn thought skills to dissociate from the pain in a useful way. When you think about healing – the neural pathways focus on regeneration.
Hypnotherapy takes the focus away from what we have lost (can’t do) and focuses on what we still have (can do).
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Free yourself from Phobia.
Image by Wasis Riyan
Phobias are amplified anxieties that are specific to a particular environment, thing or situation. Phobia occurs when we attach an irrational or catastrophic level of risk to something. Phobias can be quite restrictive and the feelings of fear are very real. Phobic feelings are automatic responses that can be addressed very effectively by hypnotherapy. If you would like to discuss your particular phobia and how hypnotherapy can set you free -please contact us.
Author: Andrea Loughran - Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy for Confidence
Image by Andrea Zignan
Do you worry about being “average” or “not enough”? Do you compare yourself to others and keep coming up short? Do you lack bravado?
Hypnotherapy for Self Confidence is empowering. You can learn how to have a balanced and realistic approach to self assessment, that brings real and valuable insights to your personal capacity to be the most amazing version of you possible.
Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
What is Strategic Psychotherapy?
Image by Ted Grambeau
The fundamental principle of Strategic Psychotherapy is that the person is not the problem - the problem is the problem.
Every choice we make is preceded by a thought process, often a thought process that has become automatic. The problems we are presented with are enabled by these automatic or unconscious thought processes.
A person with a problem issue is not a “bad”or weak” person - they just don’t have a stronger thought process that beats the automatic response to the punch.
For example, you know that smoking is unhealthy, but you just don’t have a stronger response in situations where you normally smoke or you know that losing your cool isn’t helpful, but there is not a more useful automatic response to intercept frustration when your patience gets tested.
The Strategic Psychotherapist is skilled at pinpointing the disempowering automated thought process and working with you to alter the unconscious process before it activates.
Strategic Psychotherapy is useful for dealing with Self Esteem, OCD, Depression, Anger or Anxiety, Procrastination & Unwanted Habits because they are automatic responses.
Andrea Loughran - Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy for Emotional Eating
Image by Alice Pascqual
Do you open the fridge and ask yourself - what do I feel like eating tonight?
Do you fall into the trap of eating to soothe yourself?
Are you a comfort eater? It’s easy to do and not so easy to stop.
You really do deserve nurturing, but defaulting to unhealthy options is not nurturing you -it’s harming you.
Hypnosis is a useful tool to break harmful eating habits and give you back real control and choice so you can get on with giving your body the fuel it really wants to operate at its best.
Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy for Self Criticism & Perfectionism
Image by Ganapathy Kumar
In pursuit of our best self, we can be very hard on ourselves. This form of self motivation can lead to a deep sense of dissatisfaction, even emptiness. Perfectionists often disregard or minimise their achievements and amplify their mistakes.
Many of us have that berating inner voice or drill sergeant that speaks to us in a way we would never consider speaking to another. Sometimes we just don’t know how to be our own cheerleader, or wrongly believe that we will not be successful if we do not “drive” ourselves hard.
Sometimes we expect to be perfect, not making allowances for mistakes, which is such a human characteristic. The inner critic can be difficult to silence, but hypnotherapy can show you how.
Andrea Loughran
Clinical Hypnotherapist at The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy for People Pleasers
Image by Grace Madeline
Do you often feel compromised, disrespected or undervalued? Do you have good methods for determining between being supportive and being used? Strategic psychotherapy can help you determine fair and equitable personal boundaries that build connections without compromising self respect. Being confident that you have useful boundaries makes it safer to navigate conflicts of interest when they arise. Hypnotherapy can help you become a problem solver rather than a conflict avoider.
Andrea Loughran
Clinical Hypnotherapist at The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy for Obsessive & Compulsive Behaviour
Image by Sora Segano
We have all heard of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It manifests in many ways. It can be as simple as nail biting and excessive hand washing, or it can be very debilitating if manifests as an irrational superstition about injury or death. It occurs when you have obsessive thoughts that lead to repetitive actions that seem uncontrollable. Unfortunately over time it can become an automatic response. Hypnotherapists view OCD behaviours as mind-patterns. If you can find your way into a compulsive pattern - you can find your way back out again. A behaviour is something you do. It is an action that you perform - it is not who you are.
It is not who you are - it is something you do.
Hypnotherapy can be a very effective treatment for OCD as it retrains the mind “to choose” an action rather than to just “activate” one. It’s a very practical method of approaching OCD. If you would like to learn more please contact me at The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy.
Andrea Loughran
Hypnotherapist at The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy to Break Unhealthy Habits
Hypnotherapy to Break Unhealthy Habits.
Image by Prince David
Unhealthy habits are automatic responses that are usually triggered by an emotion, or situation. Habits like smoking and drinking usually gain momentum when they start out as method of soothing or settling us. These habits creep up on us and next thing we know they get the upper hand. Most automatic responses and behaviours are learned and can be unlearned or replaced through hypnosis. Some habits are harder to break than others. Some clients may only require a single session, but others may need more than one. For more information please contact The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy. Packages are available at a reduced rate.
Andrea Loughran
Hypnotherapist at The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy
How does Hypnotherapy work?
Image by Ted Grambeau
Hypnosis is a focussed state of mind where you disassociate from the “busy mind.” It is similar to the mind space you achieve in meditation, or when you find yourself deeply immersed in relaxation or creative flow. For some people it’s a peaceful, neutral state and for others it’s more alert. Musicians find it when they play, dancers find it when they dance, artists find it when they create, athletes find it in “the zone” and we all slip into it when we daydream or visualise. Its a very powerful state of mind from which we create & learn using our entire consciousness - our “best” self.
The hypnotherapist is very skilled at supporting you to reach your own state of disassociation in a way that is natural to you. Others including myself, often find hypnosis a very soothing and peaceful mind space.
Hypnosis communicates therapeutic messages to the complete conscious mind, not just the analytical mind, which can at times, be limited and obstructionist in scope.
Will I lose mind control during hypnosis?
There is no mind control.
During hypnotherapy you will retain your ability to choose what resonates with you and you will be able to choose your actions. Clinical Hypnotherapy is not to be confused with hypnosis in the entertainment industry. Qualified and Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists in Australia abide by a strict code of conduct in order to practice & follow all legal requirements.
At The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy the therapist will listen carefully to your issue and spend time discussing with you the ways that your issue “runs” and “sets up” in your life.
After a logical conversation about the issue and how it can be intercepted or reframed -and only with your consent- the therapist can use hypnosis to work with you to communicate more empowering thought processes directly to the most empowering place in your consciousness - your full consciousness.
Andrea Loughran - Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy