Understanding the Power of “Enough”
Image by Riccardo Cervia
In pursuit of the “best self” we can be very hard on ourselves. This form of self-motivation can lead to overwhelm or a deep sense of dissatisfaction, and even emptiness.
Perfectionists often disregard or minimize their achievements and amplify their mistakes in ways that are quite unrealistic.
Many individuals have that berating inner voice or drill sergeant that speaks to them in ways they would never consider speaking to another. Sometimes we just don't know how to be our own cheerleader or wrongly believe that we will not be successful if we do not drive ourselves hard.
Sometimes individuals expect to be perfect not making allowances for mistakes which is such a human characteristic.
There is a difference between “perfect” and “sufficient”. There is a difference between something being unquestionably right and alright. There is a difference between “the” right time, and “a” right time.
The trick is in knowing when is “enough” or what constitutes “sufficient”.
The pursuit of perfection or always having all the answers becomes an obstacle to achievement when it stops us from being curious or learning something new, which is awkward. Learning is uncomfortable.
Hypnotherapy connects the client to their value system. Enabling the client to best decide where to place their time and focus.
A client with their values at the front of any decision is going to best place their intentions and energy.
Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool in helping clients acknowledge what is enough and break free from the cycle of obsessing over perfection. By entering a relaxed state of hypnosis, individuals can tap into their subconscious mind and gain clarity on their values and long-term goals. This process enables them to prioritize what truly matters to them and recognize that pursuing an illusion of perfection is not aligned with their authentic desires or purpose.
During hypnotherapy sessions, clients can explore the consequences of their compulsive behaviour and the toll it takes on their energy levels. By recognizing the drain caused by the relentless pursuit of perfection, they can begin to appreciate the importance of conserving their energy and investing it in areas that bring them genuine fulfillment. In acknowledging that being correct, or being “perfect” does not mean you are beyond reproach, which is usually the subconscious foundation of perfectionism - avoiding criticism or mistakes.
Hypnotherapy helps individuals reframe their perspective and understand that striving for an unattainable ideal often results in diminishing returns.
Moreover, hypnotherapy can help clients develop the skill of discernment, allowing them to recognize when it's time to stop or rest. By accessing their subconscious mind, individuals can tap into their inner wisdom and gain insights into their own authentic limits and boundaries.
This heightened self-awareness empowers them to set realistic goals, manage their time more efficiently, and find a healthy balance between striving for improvement and recognizing when they have done enough, because there is a useful distinction between pursuing betterment (which is realistic) and pursuing perfection (which is unrealistic).
By embracing the skill of discernment, individuals can release the need for constant perfection and find contentment in their accomplishments and the journey itself.
Author - Andrea Loughran Hypnotherapist
The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy