Hypnotherapy for Women
Image by Olga
Whilst we are all humans and have the same fundamental needs, females have very different life experiences to males. Change and transition manifests in very specific ways for females due to experiences such as birthing, mothering and menopause. In my hypnotherapy practice I have discovered that women have concerns about birthing, fertility, post natal blues, menopause, people pleasing, relationship boundaries, body image and the challenges of finding love.
Below you may find some hypnotherapy services designed especially for women that you will not usually find on other hypnotherapy sites.
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
Anxiety and Depression can be debilitating and overwhelming. Feeling out-of-control or hopeless about situations in life can create real suffering. Strategic Psychotherapy partnered with Hypnotherapy can redirect thought patterns from negative to hopeful by providing empowering processes to realistically determine future risk, or to leave a traumatic past behind.
Image by Edgar Hernandez
Hypnotherapy for People Pleasing & Relationship Boundaries
Do you often feel compromised, disrespected or undervalued? Do you have good methods for determining between being supportive and being used? Strategic psychotherapy can help you determine fair and equitable personal boundaries that build connections without compromising self respect. Being confident that you have useful boundaries makes it safer to navigate conflicts of interest when they arise. Hypnotherapy can help you become a problem solver rather than a conflict avoider.
Image by Grace Madeline
Hypnotherapy for Relationship Ending
From time to time we exit a relationship and are left wondering why we chose a partner who ultimately was not good for us. Perhaps you saw the red flags but made excuses for them? Strategic psychotherapy can help you to establish personal criteria for determining who to trust and who to invest in.
Hypnotherapy can help you to see others as they really are so that you can take responsibility for the people you choose to trust and invest in.
Image by Velizar Ivanov
Hypnotherapy for Perfectionism and Self Criticism
In pursuit of our best self, we can be very hard on ourselves. This form of self motivation can lead to a deep sense of dissatisfaction, even emptiness. Perfectionists often disregard or minimise their achievements and amplify their mistakes.
Many of us have that berating inner voice or drill sergeant that speaks to us in a way we would never consider speaking to another. Sometimes we just don’t know how to be our own cheerleader, or wrongly believe that we will not be successful if we do not “drive” ourselves hard.
Sometimes we expect to be perfect, not making allowances for mistakes, which is such a human characteristic. The inner critic can be difficult to silence, but hypnotherapy can show you how.
Image by Amy Shamble
Hypnotherapy for Shyness
Are you one of those sensitive, quiet souls who cares deeply about how others view them? Perhaps you are self-conscious and judge yourself harshly or don’t trust that you won’t humiliate yourself or unintentionally give offence? Maybe you just feel awkward and that feeling amplifies in the company of strangers or newcomers?
Maybe these concerns stop you from being your authentic self with others?
Hypnosis is a wonderful, non-judgemental, therapeutic tool that can bring you self acceptance so you won’t be afraid to take your authentic self out into the world.
Image by Jesse Bowser
Hypnotherapy for Emotional Eating
Do you fall into the trap of eating to soothe yourself? Do you open the fridge and ask yourself - what do I feel like eating now?
You really do deserve nurturing, but defaulting to unhealthy options is not nurturing you -it’s harming you.
Hypnosis is a useful tool to break harmful eating habits and give you back real control and choice so you can get on with giving your body the fuel it really wants and deserves to operate at its best.
Image by Mark De Jong
Hypnotherapy for Phobias and Fears
Phobias are amplified anxieties that are specific to a particular environment, thing or situation. Phobia occurs when we attach an irrational or catastrophic level of risk to something. Phobias can be quite restrictive and the feelings of fear are very real. Phobic feelings are automatic responses that can be addressed very effectively by hypnotherapy. If you would like to discuss your particular phobia and how hypnotherapy can set you free -please contact us.
Image by Michelle Cassar
Hypnotherapy for Self Image and Confidence
Do you worry about being “average” or “not enough”? Do you compare yourself to others and keep coming up short? Do you lack bravado?
Hypnotherapy for Self Confidence is empowering. You can learn how to have a balanced and realistic approach to self assessment, that brings real and valuable insights to your personal capacity to be the most amazing version of you possible.
Image by Max Williams
Hypnotherapy for Infertility Anxiety
There is a concerning increase in anxiety and depression among women wrestling with infertility. It really is a different kind of pressure, the pressure to conceive. For some couples who have exhausted all possibilities there can be a sense of loss. Hypnotherapy can be a useful method of maintaining mental and emotional balance during this sometimes exciting and sometimes disappointing time.
Image by Evie S
Hypnotherapy for Post Natal Depression
Pregnancy, birth and becoming a mother packs a lot of change into a short period of time. Not only are there physical and lifestyle changes to navigate, but it can be a real test on your mental and emotional resources. Some women have the additional issue of birth trauma to deal with. Sometimes it can feel as though control and choice is being removed from the important process of pregnancy, birth and mothering. Hypnotherapy is a useful means of remaining centred and strong during all of the change that mothering brings.
Image by Nikita Tikhomirov
Hypnotherapy for Menopause
There are many unknowns and uncertainties in life. Of you thing we can be sure - Change. Nothing stays the same and at times change can be difficult. Menopause comes with its own set of challenges physiologically and mentally. Hypnotherapy can assist with your mental response to menopausal change and provide tools to navigate the challenges menopause sometimes brings.
Image by Tim Goedhart
Hypnotherapy for Carers
Women often take up the role as primary care giver. Often all of the attention goes to the person requiring care but the care giver also has to deal with loss while maintaining the support role. Hypnotherapy can be a useful means of remaining strong and compassionate during change and loss.
Image by Gaston Roulstone