Hypnotherapy for Obsessive & Compulsive Behaviour
Image by Sora Segano
We have all heard of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It manifests in many ways. It can be as simple as nail biting and excessive hand washing, or it can be very debilitating if manifests as an irrational superstition about injury or death. It occurs when you have obsessive thoughts that lead to repetitive actions that seem uncontrollable. Unfortunately over time it can become an automatic response. Hypnotherapists view OCD behaviours as mind-patterns. If you can find your way into a compulsive pattern - you can find your way back out again. A behaviour is something you do. It is an action that you perform - it is not who you are.
It is not who you are - it is something you do.
Hypnotherapy can be a very effective treatment for OCD as it retrains the mind “to choose” an action rather than to just “activate” one. It’s a very practical method of approaching OCD. If you would like to learn more please contact me at The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy.
Andrea Loughran
Hypnotherapist at The Beautiful Mind Hypnotherapy