What is Hypnotherapy used for?
Hypnotherapy for Confidence
Do you worry about being “average” or “not enough”? Do you compare yourself to others and keep coming up short? Do you lack bravado?
Hypnotherapy for Self Confidence is empowering. You can learn how to have a balanced and realistic approach to self assessment, that brings real and valuable insights to your personal capacity to be the most amazing version of you possible.
Image by Andrea Zignin
Hypnotherapy for Insomnia
Do you have trouble getting to sleep, or waking during the night and not being able to return to sleep, or perhaps you go to sleep but wake up too early? Insomnia in any form can be frustrating and left unchecked - quite unhealthy. Some clients only require a single session but some require more than one - especially if anxiety or tension are the foundation of your sleep issue.
Image by Agto Nugroho
Hypnotherapy for Stress
Anxiety and Depression can be debilitating and overwhelming. Feeling out-of-control or hopeless about situations in life can create real suffering. Strategic Psychotherapy partnered with Hypnotherapy can redirect thought patterns from negative to hopeful by providing empowering processes to realistically determine future risk, or to leave a traumatic past behind.
Image by Tod Trapani
Hypnotherapy for Perfectionism and Self Criticism
In pursuit of our best self, we can be very hard on ourselves. This form of self motivation can lead to a deep sense of dissatisfaction, even emptiness. Perfectionists often disregard or minimise their achievements and amplify their mistakes.
Many of us have that berating inner voice or drill sergeant that speaks to us in a way we would never consider speaking to another. Sometimes we just don’t know how to be our own cheerleader, or wrongly believe that we will not be successful if we do not “drive” ourselves hard.
Sometimes we expect to be perfect, not making allowances for mistakes, which is such a human characteristic. The inner critic can be difficult to silence, but hypnotherapy can show you how.
Image by Ganapathy Kumar
Hypnotherapy for Change
There are many unknowns and uncertainties in life.
Of one thing you can be sure - Change.
Nothing stays the same and at times change can be difficult. Hypnotherapy can assist you to face reality and find direction.Image by Johannes Plenio
Hypnotherapy for Procrastination
Do you ever get stuck in a rut?
Sometimes you know what you want to achieve but you feel like that mouse on a treadmill?
Your thoughts going around and around - analysing and over analysing but not going anywhere. Perhaps you just can’t find the motivation to get on with things.?
Some clients can break through habits of procrastination and avoidance quickly and may only require a single session, but most folk will need more. To find out more, please contact us. Don’t procrastinate!. Get unstuck now.
Image by Joshua Hibert
Hypnotherapy for Smoking and Vaping
Unhealthy habits are automatic responses that are usually triggered by an emotion, situation or your environment. Habits like smoking and drinking usually gain momentum when they start out as method of soothing or settling us. These habits creep up on us and next thing we know they get the upper hand. Some habits are harder to break than others. Some clients may only require a single session, but others may need more than one. For more information, please contact us. Packages are available at a reduced rate.
Image by Prince David
Hypnotherapy for Pain Management
Everyone’s pain and suffering is different. Have you ever noticed that different people approach pain differently? Athletes boast about pain tolerance and the capacity to push through pain and discomfort. Pain resulting from injury or illness that is chronic can cause real suffering both physically and mentally - it can be draining and depressing. While the pain might be permanent the suffering that pain causes may be negotiable. What if you could learn skills to shift your focus away from your pain and get on with your life? What if you can learn to reduce the mental and emotional suffering the pain causes? Most clients would need at least three sessions to gain the mind skills and resources to manage pain.
Image by Collins Lesulie
Hypnotherapy for Social Anxiety
Are you one of those sensitive, quiet souls who cares deeply about how others view them? Perhaps you are self-conscious and judge yourself harshly or don’t trust that you won’t humiliate yourself or unintentionally give offence? Maybe you just feel awkward and that feeling amplifies in the company of strangers or newcomers?
Maybe these concerns stop you from being your authentic self with others?
Hypnosis is a wonderful, non-judgemental, therapeutic tool that can bring you self acceptance so you won’t be afraid to take your authentic self out into the world.
Image by NASA
Hypnotherapy to deal with bullies
How to deal with difficult people.
Hypnotherapy is a great option. You won’t need armour, because their barbs will disintegrate in the air before they reach you. If you do hear them, they will have no impact. You can hear and choose not to listen. You are responsible for your own emotions and responses, and you will no longer give your power away.
Image by Maxine Volcarce
Hypnotherapy for Phobias
Phobias are amplified anxieties that are specific to a particular environment, thing or situation. Phobia occurs when we attach an irrational or catastrophic level of risk to something. Phobias can be quite restrictive and the feelings of fear are very real. Phobic feelings are automatic responses that can be addressed very effectively by hypnotherapy. If you would like to discuss your particular phobia and how hypnotherapy can set you free -please contact us.
Image by Wasis Riyan
Hypnotherapy for Anger Management
Is there an angry dialogue on repeat in your thoughts? It may very well be justified. Perhaps you have been unfairly treated?
Maybe you are holding tension in your thoughts or body? Those around you may be telling you to “move on” but it isn’t so easy to do.
You may even be well aware that anger & tension are toxic to others and to the bearer. Hypnotherapy is a useful tool for dropping anger, frustration & tension and just moving on.
When you no longer expend energy on unhealthy feelings, you have more energy for the good things in life - like healing and feeling at ease.
Image by Jeremy Perkins
Hypnotherapy for Trauma
Sometimes life is unfair. A person can become the victim of their own doing or another’s doing. Sometimes there is no justice or explanation for damage, illness, accident or loss and it can be hard to move forward. There is a lot of talk about “acceptance” and “forgiveness” but what happens when you feel that is not an option?
Hypnotherapy is a highly regarded method of coming to terms with the reality of your trauma and then adopting methods to heal and build a future.
Image by Daniel Olah
Hypnotherapy for OCD
We have all heard of OCD. It manifests in many ways. It can be as simple as nail biting or hand washing or as disabling as harbouring irrational superstitions and fears of injury or death. It occurs when you have obsessive thoughts that lead to repetitive behaviours that appear to be automatic or uncontrollable. Hypnotherapy treats obsessive compulsive behaviours as “patterns.” If you can find your way into a compulsive pattern - you can find your way out. It’s not who you are - it’s something you do. Hypnosis is an extremely powerful technique for OCD as it retrains the mind to “choose” an action rather than to just “activate” one. It’s actually a very practical method of dealing with OCD.
Image by Sora Sagano
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss and Emotional Eating
Do you fall into the trap of eating to soothe yourself?
Are you a comfort eater? It’s easy to do and not so easy to stop.You really do deserve nurturing, but defaulting to unhealthy options is not nurturing you -it’s harming you.
Hypnosis is a useful tool to break harmful eating habits and give you back real control and choice so you can get on with giving your body the fuel it really wants to operate at its best.
Image by Alice Pasqual