Hypnotherapy to change habits and reflexes, comfortably and effectively.

Therapist - Andrea Loughran - Strategic Psychotherapy combined with Clinical Hypnosis

Image by Todd Trapani

15 Minute Free Phone Consult to discuss how hypnotherapy can work for you.

General Services


Compulsive Behaviours


Self Esteem

Managing Pain



Change and Transition

Trauma Recovery


Performance Anxiety


Image by Dustin Humes

Hypnotherapy for Women

Relationship Recovery

Self Image

Pre-Natal & Post Natal Change

People Pleasing & Boundaries

Self Critical

Infertility Anxiety

Change and Transition Stress

Emotional Eating


Performance Anxiety

Image by Yoann Boyer

Hypnotherapy for Pain or Illness Stress

When you are unwell a new level of anxious thinking may evolve.

Hypnotherapy is useful for pain management skills, recovery and managing the emotional impact of feelings like loss, anger, injustice, uncertainty and guilt that can arise from physical illness.

Image by Isaiah Atkinson Flores

Hypnotherapy for IBS

Learn how hypnotherapy helps reset the gut-brain axis.

Image by Vincent van Zalinge

Teenage Stress & Student Anxiety

Image by Zulmaury Saavedra

How does Hypnotherapy work?

You know what you want to change. You know why you want to change.

You may already know why you are the way you are,

How do you stop doing something so ingrained that you don’t realise that you are doing it until it’s too late?

You want to move on or let go of a feeling or a behaviour, and your friends, family or doctor are telling you that it is time,

and you may have tried to, but you seem to be stuck in a loop - try hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is becoming a widely accepted form of therapy, that is very effective.

If you would like to know how hypnotherapy works, please tap below.

Image by Quinten de Graaf

What is Strategic Psychotherapy?

 The fundamental principle of Strategic Psychotherapy is that the person is not the problem - the problem is the problem.

Every choice we make is preceded by a thought process, often that thought process has become automatic. The problems we are presented with are enabled by these automatic or unconscious thought processes.

The Strategic Psychotherapist is skilled at pinpointing the disempowering automated thought process and working with you to alter the unconscious process before it activates.

The Hypnotherapist uses Strategic Psychotherapy to read the sequence of the cognitive process (thought pattern) and then interrupt it and revises it using hypnosis. Because the pattern is unconscious - hypnosis is the perfect means of communicating with the unconscious mind space.

In other words, strategic psychotherapy is the therapy and hypnosis is the “tool” for revising the problem cognitive pattern.

Meet the Hypnotherapist

Andrea Loughran

Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis & Strategic Psychotherapy

Institute of Applied Psychology (IAP)

The aim of my practice is to make hypnotherapy an approachable, nurturing and personal therapeutic process that is tailored for each client.

The principle on which my therapy is built is that the person is not the problem - the problem is a pattern - a pattern that can be altered.

I embrace all the different and diverse challenges that clients come in with, and I have a particular interest in misophonia, pain management and illness related anxiety.

A few words from past clients…

Hypnosis Online from the Comfort and Security of Home or Face to Face

Yes! That’s Right!

Hypnotherapy is just as effective via video call - many clients prefer it!

No traffic! No parking.! No face to face contact! No down time!

Just follow the instructions provided to set yourself up comfortably and securely in your own space.

Image by Milada Vigerova